SASWE Research develops revised operating plan for High Aswan Dam for adapting to Ethiopian dam

World’s first and publicly available global reservoir monitoring system launched for 1500 dams around the world

SASWE Research develops revised operating plan for High Aswan Dam for adapting to Ethiopian dam

World’s first and publicly available global reservoir monitoring system launched for 1500 dams around the world

Children’s Book “The Secret Lives of Scientists, Doctors and Engineers” launched via National Academies “New Voices” Program led by SASWE Group

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation donates to SASWE Education

SASWE Research develops tools for generating more hydropower with less dams and better ecosystem outcomes for developing nations

Children’s Book “The Secret Lives of Scientists, Doctors and Engineers” launched via National Academies “New Voices” Program led by SASWE Group

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation donates to SASWE Education

SASWE Research develops tools for generating more hydropower with less dams and better ecosystem outcomes for developing nations

SASWE group launches high resolution urban flood inundation forecasting system for city of Houston and Harris County Flood Control District

World’s first and publicly available global reservoir monitoring system launched for 1500 dams around the world

Bangladesh Water Development Board and ICIMOD visit University of Washington for strategic planning of the country’s water sector

SASWE Research develops revised operating plan for High Aswan Dam for adapting to Ethiopian dam

World’s first and publicly available global reservoir monitoring system launched for 1500 dams around the world

Bangladesh Water Development Board and ICIMOD visit University of Washington for strategic planning of the country’s water sector

SASWE Group co-develops satellite-based sediment monitoring system that is adopted by Bangladesh Government for river management

SASWE Research identifies the hidden impact of hydropower operations in the Mekong based on 30 years of Landsat data

SASWE Group co-develops satellite-based sediment monitoring system that is adopted by Bangladesh Government for river management

SASWE Research identifies the hidden impact of hydropower operations in the Mekong based on 30 years of Landsat data